Skytower Park Murals
Skytower Park Murals
Designing process and production of Two Public Murals at Skytower Park in Lancaster, California
Client: City of Lancaster, CA
Partners: Artists at Work, MOAH Lancaster, Art in Residence
Community Engagement and Art Direction: Vojislav Radovanović
The Night Time Mural on the south wall, 164 ft long
The Day Time Mural on the north wall, 148 ft long
Phase One
On March 12, 2022 we organized the First Community engaged artistic workshop in the Skytower Park in Lancaster, CA where we gathered community input about what future murals in the park area should look a lake. Approximately 60-65 neighbors took active participation in the workshop creating drawings and collages. We also collected significant data trough the questionnaire forms where we asked participants to pick up specific words they resonate with the most, and they would recognize as values that future murals should represent.
Few of the artworks made during the workshop
Following the first workshop I had regular meetings with the museum director, Andi Campognone and the curator, Robert Benitez from MOAH Lancaster. We used the artworks and the Word Cloud data gathered during the workshop and we finally came up with the concept of Day and Night murals, featuring favorite flora and fauna from Antelope Valley with the characteristic landscape with mountain range. During the next month and a half, I spent a lot of time in the studio, developing sketches and drawings that would resemble cartoonish and illustrative style.
Sketches for the Night Time Mural
Sketches for the Day Time Mural
Phase Two
On May 7th we held second workshop where we invited local community to join me in actual act of painting those murals. Two nights before I projected designs on the walls that are approximately 300 feet long. We provided paints and brushes for everyone who wanted to participate. More than 70 individuals collectively painted both walls in just a few hours. We provided snacks and beverages.
After the workshop I personally spent one more month to finish the details as final layer of the murals.
Video and Images from the second community engaged workshop